Thursday, November 29, 2007

Simpsons question of the [yester]day: Fill in the blank of Bart's Blackboard Gag from "Duffless" (9F14): "Goldfish don't ______." a) Spit BBs, b) Bowl, c) Eat erasers, d) Bounce. (previous answer: Homer's first kiss from Marge felt like a cluster bomb wiping out a graveyard full of zombies.)

Fact of the [yester]day (brought to me by Garrison Keillor): Today is Clive Staples (aka C.S.) Lewis' birthday! If you have never read the Narnia series, you are missing out on an amazing story.


Fact of the [to]day (brought me by Garrison Keillor): Today is Samuel Langhorne Clemens' birthday! He wrote, "It's lovely to live on a raft. We had the sky up there, all speckled with stars, and we used to lay on our backs and look up at them, and discuss about whether they was made or only just happened."

Comics that amused this week:
im in ur finanshul bilding, ruining ur kredit skor.
thars no neeed to fear.
Despite it all

Song of the moment translated into Japanese and then into English: I opened my eye, the door walking and the cloud came, that it falls down bi- bi- is the way if I tried, making that the right that you make a mistake rear must leave by myself, you twist exactly, all night are flying directly high so choose me who come I landed. (previous song: White Christmas...a totally easy one.)

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