Thursday, November 15, 2007

Simpsons question of the day: In "Catch 'Em if You Can" (FABF14), first class on the airplane is so luxurious, Marge says she feels like who? a) Princess Grave and Princess Di smashed together, b) Billionaire Beepo, that pampered TV chimp, c) An "as seen on Oprah" makeover person, d) One of Donald's ex-wives?

Fact of the day (brought to me by Garrison Keillor): Born on this date in 1887 was everyone's favorite painter of the vag: Georgia O'Keefe.

Today is also one week away from Thanksgiving!!!! Turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, more turkey, sweet potatoes, green beans, and oh goodness...the pies! In elementary school, I always enjoyed Thanksgiving lunches because they had those little pumpkin cookie things. I guess they would be more similar to a fig newton but in texture only. There were always some dumb kids who never ate theirs, so I usually had a stock pile of those buggers. It was amazing. Then we'd all go back to class and trace our hands and make turkeys out of them. Although I have to admit that a silhouette of a hand and a turkey look absolutely nothing alike.


Song of the moment (translated into Japanese and back into English): I awake with entirely therefore with me compared to before being possible to feel you happily safe rising here, this it goes

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