Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Want to be angry today? Then keep reading...

Here's my tiny list of blogs that are targeted to those who want to throw their keyboards across the room out of rage (have any favorite angry blogs, feel free to share!):

The Consumerist: Shoppers Bite Back
...and bite back they do. Ever been on the phone with customer service to the point where you've completely memorized their hold music and find yourself talking along with the automated messages? The Consumerist can help. They post stories of average people and their problems with big business, but then they do what most websites should, they help these people out. They post lists of company big-wig email addresses and phone numbers for executive customer service lines. They provide the normal consumer the means to solve their problems rather than just give up, and it's awesome. (As a side note, their mantra is that one should always try to work the chain on the normal customer service line before turning to CEO's. Try twice, and then ask for a supervisor.)

Jezebel: Celebrity, Sex, Fashion. Without Airbrushing.
Recently garnering media attention for their reward for an un-airbrushed, not-altered cover photograph (follow this link to see the un-doctored Redbook cover featuring Faith Hill), Jezebel is very sharp and to the point when it comes to issues with body image and stardom in general. If you want to see some celebrity images accompanied by fitting and hilarious sarcasm and wit, then Jezebel is the place to go.

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